Saturday, 2 July 2011


 Chart display lightbox - now smallinated!

Some user-testing (thanks Phish, Pippa!) helped my fatigue-addled brain realise that my beautiful in-line lightbox didn't entirely solve the problem of my stupidly huge slideshow.  On a screen smaller than my gargantuan one, the 'play' button is pushed off the bottom of the screen, and you can't move the lightbox around.

Remastered 'naked' frame

As a result, I'm working on replacing the images in the Mars chart, and I thought I'd take the time to use the Gimp's Curves tool to remove the paper texture and prominent edges which annoyed me about the rough slideshow.  It's tedious but simple work, but I think it'll make a big difference to the feel of the piece.  Similarly to abstracting the content from the page, I hope that abstracting the art from the physical bit of paper will be another step towards making the message immersive, absorbing, and stand-alone.

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