Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Unfortunately someone borrowed my camera (this may be the same person that dismantled the scanner), so I'm left with dodgy laptop webcam photos as the quickest way to upload my sketches.  Just recording the layout design I've settled on for my 'chart' site.

The background will be primarily on the left-hand-side of the screen, featuring an admiralty chart style sketch. 


At the top of the screen, the title/tagline.  Below this and toward the rhs of the screen, a text menu (with drop-downs if I manage to make more than one 'chart').  The 'action' will happen in an 800x400px box (a size I've had some success with in the past) in the centre, with a slider below. The action may or may not be strictly divided between two 400px square boxes, depending on how the designs pan out - it could change for different topics.

The sketch in the top-right is a thumbnail of how the 'about' and any other pages will be laid out - similar to the chart page, but with the text allowed to spill downwards (rather than being confined to a height of 400px). 

At the bottom of the screen will be the all-pervasive menu I intend to give to all sub-sites within my personal website, where this will eventually go.


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